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Web Services

Web Hosting Welcome check list;

Just a few things to check to make sure that you are aware of all the things we have setup for you. (And in a less than subtle way to make sure we've configured your virtual server correctly.)

In the discussions that follow, substitute your domain name for "your.domain".

Your server:

You've probably already done this... connect to your virtual server at http://www.your.domain/

OK. Take note that http://your.domain/ also works. Some people get confused if you give them an address that doesn't start with "www." Other people don't like to type the extra 4 characters. It's your choice you can advertise either :-)

Your email addresses:

Here is the link for configuring e-mail at your domain.

To help you look more professional, we recommend that you make use of your domain for e-mail and quit advertising for your ISP. This helps re-inforce the association between your e-mail address and your website, and makes it easier for people to remember both of them.

By default we configure webmaster@your.domain to forward to your ISP, but that is really only meant as an example. (We used to configure the wildcard by default, but over time that causes problems with large volumes of spam.)

Your log files and website statistics:

To help you keep track of what's going on at your web site we provide you with a large amount of information. There are three log files that the web server makes as it handles requests for your site. These are accessable through the control panel at http://your.domain/sec-bin/ .

PS. "sec-bin" is short for secure-bin, as compared to cgi-bin.

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