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BareMetal Supported Charities;

We decided back in 2002 to donate a portion of our domain registration fees to support charities (currently $0.25 cents CDN per domain year).

We tried to pick a small group of charities (so the funds raised per charity is big enough to be worth handling) that represent a wide range of charitable causes.

How big a deal is this? Initially it raised about $200/mo for charity, and has almost constantly increased. In mid 2005 it was running aproximately $600/mo and we expect it to continue growing.

Click here for the current funds raised report (Updated in real-time!).

TLC - The Land Conservancy (

"TLC protects important habitat for plants, animals and natural communities as well as properties with historical, cultural, scientific, scenic or compatible recreational value."

Canadian Cancer Society (

... mission is the eradication of cancer and the enhancement of the quality of life of people living with cancer.

Canadian Red Cross (

The Red Cross works to alleviate suffering caused by fighting. But we also help people in times of peace to strengthen their capacities to live healthier lives and avoid conflicts and disasters.

David Suzuki Foundation

"We work with government, business and individuals to conserve our environment by providing science-based education, advocacy and policy work, and acting as a catalyst for the social change that today's situation demands."

Some folks see the Suzuki Foundation as being unrealistic and/or extremist. I (Tom) won't argue about that. I do believe that as a society we need to know what the extremes are, so that we can see what mainstream is. If we can shift mainstream to being a little more green, that is good.

Electronic Frontier Foundation (

The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) was created to defend our rights to think, speak, and share our ideas, thoughts, and needs using new technologies, such as the Internet and the World Wide Web. EFF is the first to identify threats to our basic rights online and to advocate on behalf of free expression in the digital age.

Oxfam Canada (

Oxfam Canada works with partner organizations in over 20 countries in Africa, Central and South America and the Caribbean to help people tackle the root causes of poverty, social injustice and inequality, creating self-reliant and sustainable communities.

World Wildlife Fund Canada (

To stop the degradation of the planet's natural environment and to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature,

Friends of Nemiah Valley (

The FONV acts to preserve and protect the natural environment in areas of special significance. FONV projects include working toward establishing the Brittany Triangle Wild Horse Preserve where truly wild horses have existed for centuries, sharing habitat with grizzly bears, wolves and mountain lions. (As of October 2011 we have stopped donating to FONV and will donate to the David Suzuki Foundation instead.)

This page, this list of charties, and our donation scheme are all works in progress. Your feedback would be appreciated.

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