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Challenge/Response E-mail System;

Introduction to our Challenge-Response e-mail system

What is a challenge-response e-mail system? It is an anti-spam system which is designed to shift some of the filtering work from the recipient to the spammer (or the legitimate sender). The main idea is that spammers will not take the time to confirm that they want to send you email, but a legitimate sender will. The system maintains two lists of addresses: a "blacklist" of senders that will always be blocked, and a "whitelist" of senders that will never be blocked. If someone sends you email from an address not listed in either list, they will get an "challenge" (and their message will be queued temporarily). If they give the correct "response" to the challenge, they get added to your white list and their queued message(s) get forwarded to you.

Our implementation

Our implementation of Challenge-Response (C/R) has a number of features. The two most significant enhancements are the ability to see the list of queued messages, and a special "warn" mode that the C/R system can operate in.

The queue display allows you to see what is in the queue, and to approve (whitelist), reject, deliver, or delete queued messages. This means you do not have to wonder if a message is stuck in the C/R system.

The "warn" mode allows you to shift the filtering burden back to yourself. This can be desirable for several reasons. This was conceived of as a way to allow you to turn on C/R without affecting folks that may have been sending you mail for years. Some of them might be surprised and ignore the challenge. In "warn" mode, the system will NOT challenge the sender, but will instead queue their message and send you an alert. This way you can build up your whitelist without discouraging folks from e-mailing you. Later you can turn the system from "warn", to "on" and hopefully forget that there are spammers out there!

Another conceivable use of "warn" mode would be for screening offensive mail. If a parent were to control the whitelist and queue functions (which are password protected) they can consider their child's mailbox to be quite safe. (Please note: no system can guarantee perfect filtering, see Weaknesses below.)

Message Queue

Remember that messages from senders not on the white or black lists get queued while the system waits for the challenge to be delivered and the response to come back? These messages are stored in the "message queue". As soon as a challenge is responded to, the messages are delivered and removed from the queue. Since the point of the system is to filter spam, many challenges will not get responded to. In time, messages will time out and be deleted from the queue.

Alternatively, you can look at the message queue and make decisions yourself instead of waiting for the sender to answer the challenge.

The summary queue display has two buttons: Accept and Reject, and a list of message senders with a check box beside each one of them. You can whitelist a group of senders by checking the box next to their email address and hitting "Accept".

Note that messages which are recognized as being from a mailing list, and for which the list owner has not been white-listed, will be queued without being challenged. This is a "good netiquette" comprimise to save big list owners from being deluged with challenges.

If you click on the 'detail' button beside each sender, you can get a little more detail on the queued messages (if there is more than one message), and you get two more options 'deliver' and 'delete'. The deliver and delete buttons do not affect the white or black lists. The 'deliver' button will deliver the checked messages to you and remove them from the message queue. The 'delete' button simply removes the messages from the queue.

Queue Time-outs

We cannot queue messages forever. The system uses a flexible set of rules and deletes the oldest queued messages first. The current goal is to queue messages for 30 days. Messages may get pushed out of the queue early if there are more than 500 messages queued, or if there are more than 20 megabytes of storage being used by the queued messages. The system may allow more disk space in attempt to keep messages for a minimum of 7 days. (FIXME, check this.)


The fundamental basis of the C/R system is the sender's email address. Unfortunately senders can trivially forge email addresses, and we have seen cases where a spammer knew what address to forge in order to be able to send to a mailing list. The same thing could happen in a C/R system.

Recommendation: If you are using C/R, do not blind cc yourself, and do not whitelist yourself. It is fairly common for spammers to forge a message that has the same from address as the to address.

The other weakness is in how complex it is to answer the challenge. We have chosen to start easy and plan to make it more difficult if and when required. The complex challenges used in other systems are a challenge message with image attachments and requiring the sender to go to a web page and key in the text from the image. (This could be simplified by showing the image on the web page, we'll do that if needed).

The current challenge we use is simply a message with a specially formatted from address. Hitting reply and then send in almost any mail client should generate a successful response. The challenge is setup in such a way that bounces are ignored (since they could be a temporary failure report.)


Regarding looping challenges: this shouldn't happen, the only two addresses shown in one of our challenges are the bounce address (ignored) and the acceptance address (which won't generate a response). So, any response to one of our challenges should _not_ cause another challenge. And we only generate one challenge per day for each unknown sender, so we shouldn't be in danger of causing a mail loop.

The system isn't perfect. It would be difficult, awkward, and expensive to make it perfect. We will continue to improve it, but perfection will have to wait.

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